Vegetables and fruits are a source of protein rich content and really beneficial for human health. These days can we guarantee on the freshness of vegetable or fruits? Our agricultural markets presently is so much glued into increasing the productivity rather than concentrating on the quality of the produce. It is difficult to avoid pesticides and other biocides that are used to grow our food. Apart from this even food preservatives are added to the fresh produce. We eat vegetables thinking that it’ll be healthy but in fact there is much more in store with respect to the health condition which might arise unexpectedly. This is due to the inorganic chemicals that are used while cultivation.


Do you hear your grandparents talk about how the food tasted different back in the day? Or how each houses had their own garden for even small cultivations? These people are not convinced with the quality of vegetable or fruit produces. But as times change, we see a reduction in the area for farms to be grown as a result of rapid civilization and urban settlements.

The youngsters are now trying to induce the culture of homegrown farms by utilizing the small space they have in their houses. It may be by utilizing balcony, terrace farming but the awareness of what the chemically produced vegetable might cause is well informed in the society and gradually alternative solutions to grow homemade produce is coming up.

This is an inexpensive method of having groceries even though they cost in time but it is worth it!

How resourceful it is to not waste food and decompose the bad produce out of your garden into the compost pit. That will further act as natural and organic fertilizer for the farm soil. Whereas if we see carefully into the backend food processing methods in the supermarket, they have a set standard that they will display in the racks in the supermarket. One incorrect shape or even a negligible mistake in a single vegetable produce will make the processing unit to dispose the produce. Not all the companies make use of the compost pit method to generate organic fertilizer out of the rejected produce.

Homegrown vegetables come from homegrown soil rather than hydroponics or unnatural growing mediums. The soil, the healthy mix of vitamins and minerals available in it, make the homegrown tomatoes tastier. For the same reason, homegrown vegetables have more nutrients in them. Though NPK fertilizers help to produce bigger, prettier vegetables, those vegetables are actually just over feeding on what makes them large rather than what provides nutrients. It’s not unlike if humans were to eat a diet of mostly fast food: Just because we get really large from it doesn’t mean we are healthy. Eating a bunch of vegetables keeps us healthy, but it doesn’t usually make us bulky.

In short, growing homegrown plants is one thing to look forward to. It boosts people, plants and animals and people feel more in sync with the environment and surroundings they live in..

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