Vegan Goodness

Vegan Goodness

Vegan Goodness is colourful collection of exciting plant-based recipes that can be enjoyed by anyone. With over 60 inspiring dishes, Jessica shows readers that cooking with plants can be gutsy and flavourful. With a light-hearted, playful approach to the photography and design, each recipe is laid out with all the ingredients on show, so readers can see at-a-glance, what they need.Vegan Goodness is not just another vegan cookbook: it is about unapologetic cooking that puts taste first. Take the inventive Pulled Jackfruit Tacos (that actually tastes like pulled pork!), or the Asian inspired Matcha Green Tea Cheesecake – this is delicious, innovative food that everyone can enjoy and easily recreate at home. Written in Jessica’s passionate, funny and no-nonsense style, Vegan Goodness will be sure to get you excited about cooking and is guaranteed to get you eating better.

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